  PC Keyboard Shortcuts




  • File menu options in current program
  • Alt + E = Edit options in current program
  • F1= Universal help (for all programs)
  • Ctrl + A = Select all text
  • Ctrl + X = Cut selected item
  • Shift + Del = Cut selected item
  • Ctrl + C = Copy selected item
  • Ctrl + INS= Copy selected item
  • Ctrl + V = Paste
  • Shift + INS = Paste
  • Home = Go to beginning of current line
  • Ctrl + Home = Go to beginning of document
  • End = Go to end of current line
  • Ctrl + End = Go to end of document
  • Shift + Home = Highlight from current position to beginning of line
  • Shift + End = Highlight from current position to end of line
  • Ctrl + f = Move one word to the left at a time
  • Ctrl + g = Move one word to the right at a time
  • Alt + Tab= Switch between open applications
  • Alt + Shift + Tab =Switch backwards between open applications
  • Alt + Print Screen = Create screen shot for current program
  • Ctrl + Alt + Del = Reboot/Windows®️ task manager
  • Ctrl + Esc = Bring up start menu
  • Alt + Esc = Switch between applications on taskbar
  • F2 = Rename selected icon
  • F3 = Start find from desktop
  • F4= Open the drive selection when browsing
  • F5= Refresh contents
  • Alt + F4= Close current open program
  • Ctrl + F4= Close window in program
  • Ctrl + Plus Key Automatically adjust widths of all columns in Windows Explorer
  • Alt + Enter =Open properties window of selected icon or program
  • Shift + F10 =Simulate right-click on selected item
  • Shift + = Del Delete programs/files permanently Holding Shift during Boot up Boot safe mode or by pass system files Holding Shift During Boot up When putting in an audio CD, will prevent CD Player from playing


  • WINKEY + D = Bring desktop to the top of other windows
  • WINKEY + M= Minimize all windows
  • WINKEY + SHIFT + M = Undo the minimize done by WINKEY + M and WINKEY + D
  • WINKEY + E = Open Microsoft Explorer
  • WINKEY + Tab = Cycle through open programs on taskbar
  • WINKEY + F= Display the Windows®️ Search/Find feature
  • WINKEY +CTRL + F= Display the search for computers window
  • WINKEY + F1 = Display the Microsoft®️ Windows®️ help
  • WINKEY + R = open the run window
  • WINKEY + Pause /Break= Open the system properties window
  • WINKEY + U = Open utility manager
  • WINKEY + L = Lock the computer (Windows XP®️ & later) OUTLOOK®️ SHORTCUT KEYS
  • Alt + S= Send the email
  • Ctrl + C = Copy selected text
  • Ctrl + X = Cut selected text
  • Ctrl + P = Open print dialog box
  • Ctrl + K = Complete name/email typed in address bar
  • Ctrl + B = Bold highlighted selection
  • Ctrl + I = Italicize highlighted selection
  • Ctrl + U= Underline highlighted selection
  • Ctrl + R = Reply to an email
  • Ctrl + F =Forward an email
  • Ctrl + N= Create a new email
  • Ctrl + Shift + A =Create a new appointment to your calendar
  • Ctrl + Shift + O =Open the outbox
  • Ctrl + Shift + I =Open the inbox
  • Ctrl + Shift + K =Add a new task
  • Ctrl + Shift + C= Create a new contact
  • Ctrl + Shift+ J =Create a new journal entry
  • Ctrl + A= Select all contents of the page
  • Ctrl + B =Bold highlighted selection
  • Ctrl + C= Copy selected text
  • Ctrl + X =Cut selected text
  • Ctrl + N =Open new/blank document
  • Ctrl + O =Open options
  • Ctrl + P= Open the print window
  • Ctrl + F =Open find box
  • Ctrl + I =Italicize highlighted selection
  • Ctrl + K= Insert link
  • Ctrl + U =Underline highlighted selection
  • Ctrl + V= Paste
  • Ctrl + Y =R edo the last action performed

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